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I study the reality that is not visible, the creative

processes that preceded the work itself. This is the heart

of my journey over the last seven years. In documentary

photography, street photography, and photography to the abstract: I documented the hidden processes of creation in the world of art that surrounds me.


As an artist, I document the world of art that surrounds me every day: at work and at my free time. I am interested to meet the artists, the studio and the landscapes of the interior of the studio.

Some of the photographs will have a precise composition and reference to light, reflections on the wall and reference to paintings from the history of art. As an artist I have an internal dialogue with the Northern Lightworkers, and much

of the photographs were made in the Netherlands.

At most cases I refer to painting and photography at the same time.

I have documented videos of the processes of thinking and creating artists. I will describe the personal story that preceded the work itself. The creative processes, the development of personal style - are recurring issues in my work.

I photographed the small components, the materials, the easels, the shop windows in the world of art. I work with a digital camera (Canon D20) or with an iPhone camera in cases of street photography.


For me, exploring the previous creative process for the creation itself, through conversations in the personal spaces of the artists and the end in a meeting with the audience - allows a complete understanding of the art world that brings to life color, joy and existential significance.

June 2017

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